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Transition to System 03: Our Blueprint for Scale-Up | Cleaning Oceans | The Ocean Cleanup – @LaKolmenaEc
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Transition to System 03: Our Blueprint for Scale-Up | Cleaning Oceans | The Ocean Cleanup

While System 002 has been cleaning the Great Pacific Garbage Patch for almost a year, our Ocean Team has been developing System 03, which will be the blueprint for scale-up. Subscribe to our channel to stay updated: https://bit.ly/371k8sN

Learn more about System 03, here: https://theoceancleanup.com/updates/transition-to-system-03-begins/.

00:00 Introduction
00:15 Main differences between S002 & S03
01:00 Working on developing System 03
02:21 Reasons for scaling up & cost per kg of plastic removed by Boyan Slat
03:29 Why it’s called System 03 and not System 003
04:16 Lessons learned during System 002 plastic harvesting: weather, interactions with sealife, hunting for plastic hotspots
06:29 Solving design challenges: ‘overtopping’ of the system
08:45 System 03 timeline: from System 002 to System 03 step-by-step
11:02 Production of System 03 retention zone at Mørenot: why we work with a fishing gear supplier
14:10 Environmental impact of our ocean operations
15:15 Hopes for System 03

Trash accumulates in five ocean garbage patches, the largest being the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, between Hawaii and California. If left to circulate, the plastic will impact our ecosystems, health, and economies. Solving it requires a combination of closing the source and cleaning up what has already accumulated in the ocean.

The ocean is big. Cleaning up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch using conventional methods – vessels and nets – would take thousands of years and tens of billions of dollars to complete. After fleets of The Ocean Cleanup systems are deployed into every ocean gyre, combined with source reduction, The Ocean Cleanup projects to be able to remove 90% of ocean plastic by 2040.

Make sure to follow The Ocean Cleanup on:
Facebook: https://bit.ly/2QWgmLQ
Twitter: https://bit.ly/2RqHqSk
Instagram: https://bit.ly/2st9SKT



While System 002 has been cleaning the Great Pacific Garbage Patch for almost a year, our Ocean Team has been developing System 03, which will be the blueprint for scale-up. Subscribe to our channel to stay updated: https://bit.ly/371k8sN

Learn more about System 03, here: https://theoceancleanup.com/updates/transition-to-system-03-begins/.

00:00 Introduction
00:15 Main differences between S002 & S03
01:00 Working on developing System 03
02:21 Reasons for scaling up & cost per kg of plastic removed by Boyan Slat
03:29 Why it’s called System 03 and not System 003
04:16 Lessons learned during System 002 plastic harvesting: weather, interactions with sealife, hunting for plastic hotspots
06:29 Solving design challenges: ‘overtopping’ of the system
08:45 System 03 timeline: from System 002 to System 03 step-by-step
11:02 Production of System 03 retention zone at Mørenot: why we work with a fishing gear supplier
14:10 Environmental impact of our ocean operations
15:15 Hopes for System 03

Trash accumulates in five ocean garbage patches, the largest being the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, between Hawaii and California. If left to circulate, the plastic will impact our ecosystems, health, and economies. Solving it requires a combination of closing the source and cleaning up what has already accumulated in the ocean.

The ocean is big. Cleaning up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch using conventional methods – vessels and nets – would take thousands of years and tens of billions of dollars to complete. After fleets of The Ocean Cleanup systems are deployed into every ocean gyre, combined with source reduction, The Ocean Cleanup projects to be able to remove 90% of ocean plastic by 2040.

Make sure to follow The Ocean Cleanup on:
Facebook: https://bit.ly/2QWgmLQ
Twitter: https://bit.ly/2RqHqSk
Instagram: https://bit.ly/2st9SKT

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